Case studies

Weidmuller SRL : Win with Weidmuller! Connect to the quality and enjoy the reward points!

Cross-selling is where the “Win With Weidmuller” campaign began. The German multinational market leader in electronics, automation and electrical connections of marking systems and tools main goal was to raise awareness of the full range of solutions Weidmuller offers its customers. The result of the campaign? A great success!

5 bands which were divided into product lines at Weidmuller
The campaign has been renewed 4 times due to the positive feedback of the participants
Significant increases in both sales and customer loyalty have occurred

As specialists in the field, Weidmuller provides support to our customers and partners around the world through products, solutions and services in the industry for the generation and distribution of power, signals and data. We have the experience and are aware of the challenges to know what the future holds. For this reason, we are constantly engaged in the development of innovative and sustainable, high value-added services, in order to meet the specific needs of our customers. Together we set the standards of “Industrial Connectivity”.

"Nel corso degli ultimi quattro anni abbiamo affiancato alle tradizionali forme di relazione con la Clientela un’iniziativa di incentivazione. La collaborazione con 4Incentive ci ha consentito di approcciare un sistema per noi nuovo in maniera facile ed efficace. La loro organizzazione ed assistenza ha permesso di sviluppare la parte organizzativa e burocratica in modo veloce e preciso; il sistema di definizione del meccanismo attraverso l’assegnazione di punti correlati all’acquisto dei nostri prodotti da parte della clientela ci ha condotto alla completa definizione e controllo dei costi."

Giorgio Porcelluzzi
SER Product Marketing Manager EC


Weidmuller distributes high-quality products that are valued by its customers and enjoys a high level of loyalty and repurchase. However, the orders are often concentrated on only a few items even though the catalog is full of solutions. We needed a solution to not only increase customer purchases at the top, but also to provide a tool that exposes the rest of the range.

Come 4incentive è intervenuta

Aware of our need, 4incentive created a platform whose priority incentive centered on the logic of "cross-selling ". As a result, the Weidmuller product categories have been divided into 5 clusters or groups with different weights in terms of point value. The categories with the highest margins allow customers to have a greater number of points with constant turnover. It also accommodates the categories that have a lower penetration in the Italian market that the company has more interest in pushing. A sophisticated simulator was developed that allows the participant to immediately quantify the points value of its purchases, broken down for each category. This tool has allowed us to "move" purchases that were previously with competitors, to our catalog, resulting in increased sales. "The web platform is flexible and easy to navigate. It is a large catalog with captivating awards that are constantly updated drawing the attention of everyone, including uncertain customers. Bottom line is that the catalog attracts and impresses customers. 4Incentive is unequaled in the industry and is geared for success. The campaign which lasts the entire calendar year, has experienced a growth in interest with increases in terms of turnover and margin on sales. In fact, the margin on sales always falls into two digits - far superior to the normal trend and to the results achieved with other promotional activities.

"La piattaforma web flessibile e di facile navigazione, un catalogo ampio con premi davvero accattivanti e costantemente aggiornato hanno fatto si che anche i Clienti più incerti venissero incuriositi e attratti dall’iniziativa. Il catalogo è ovviamente ciò che attrae e colpisce il Cliente; quello di 4Incentive non trova eguali e il naturale paragone con le tante iniziative simili che ciascuno di noi anche nella sua vita privata può incontrare ci ha sempre visto vincenti. I risultati ottenuti già dal primo anno sono stati perfino oltre le più rosee aspettative. La campagna, della durata dell’intero anno solare, ha dimostrato un crescente interesse con incrementi in termini di fatturato e di margine sulle vendite, sempre a due cifre, di gran lunga superiori al normale trend e ai risultati conseguiti con altre attività promozionali. L’esperienza che vedeva anche il coinvolgimento della forza di vendita della nostra azienda ha potenziato ulteriormente i risultati su quelle famiglie di prodotto target, generando cross-selling e creando quella motivazione aggiuntiva che fa la differenza. Il servizio fornitoci da 4Incentive, in termini di assistenza e gestione dei premi è sempre stato impeccabile dando piena soddisfazione ai partecipanti e fornendo un’immagine di qualità e affidabilità dell’iniziativa estremamente importanti per una società come la nostra che si fregia degli stessi requisiti. "

Giorgio Porcelluzzi
SER Product Marketing Manager EC

I risultati raggiunti

Our results from the first year exceeded our expectations. The operation "Win With Weidmuller " has been running 4 years in a row with no end in sight! This success is due to customer appreciation and the Weidmuller Sales Force Incentive transaction that has been a valuable ally in increasing sales, retaining customers and promoting sales to become more profitable. And speaking of loyalty, a major customer in all editions has reached the assigned target, increasing from year to year, and as a result, has enjoyed a cruise for the whole family, creating memories and emotions that will always be associated with Weidmuller and the quality of its products. Win With Weidmuller and make a difference!